Good Governance

CAVO works to support organisations to comply with good governance practices

Assists you to identify, develop and register the right structure for your organisation


Helps you to review and update your governing documents, policies and procedures


Runs bespoke training for your Trustees and organisation


Can help you with safeguarding, quality marks and office support services.


Supports your organisation, trustees, staff and volunteers with crisis management

For more information or to get in touch, click here.

Latest Good Governance News

Holding meetings online or by telephone

Holding meetings online or by telephone

Think carefully about which form of meeting best serves the interests of your charity. Your charity must act within the rules of its governing document. If you wish to hold a meeting remotely, or on a hybrid basis (with some participants remote and some in person),...

Ceredigion Trustee Network

Ceredigion Trustee Network

Ceredigion Association of Voluntary Services (CAVO) is the county voluntary council which supports voluntary community action throughout Ceredigion. We are a small team of passionate individuals, assisting organisations with a range of services, to support the...

Charity regulator’s new digital service goes live

Charity regulator’s new digital service goes live

The Charity Commission’s new My Charity Commission Account service will go live on 31st July, the regulator has confirmed. The new service, which most charities have now been invited to sign up for, will be available at the end of this month. The regulator has...

Welsh Government CONSULTATION Child Poverty Strategy for Wales

We are seeking your views on the draft Child Poverty Strategy for Wales.     As a Welsh Government we are committed to addressing child poverty as an absolute priority, and our Programme for Government...

Helo Blod

Helo Blod

Fast, friendly and FREE Welsh translation and advice service for business, charities and individuals •Free translation – Helo Blod can translate up to 500 words per month for you, completely free of charge. •Text checking – Helo Blod can check 1,000 words per year for...

Need an Independent examiner for your end of year accounts?

CAVO are investigating the demand for Independent Examination of Accounts for small charities and community group in Ceredigion.   This pilot scheme will run over 2022/23, a small number of groups will be selected to receive support via CAVO who will...

Tarian RCCU

Tarian RCCU

Georgia Christensen, Cyber Security Advisor from Tarian RCCU, will be presenting the latest guidance for CAVO employees as part of Webruary. Georgia will be covering the latest cyber threats and guidance for CAVO, CAVS and PAVS employees, with local and national...

WCVA concerned about banking challenges for the voluntary sector

The below message is from WCVA: As HSBC makes the decision to introduce new charges for charity bank accounts, WCVA and partners are working to support the sector during this difficult time. WCVA is aware that charities and voluntary organisations have been...