**Mae’r erthygl hon wedi’i chyflwyno i CAVO yn uniaith Saesneg.**

**This article has been submitted to CAVO in English only.**

An interactive resource has been produced to enable volunteering to be sustained and better integrated in health and social care provision across Wales.

It explores six key questions around volunteering, from the perspective of four different ‘audiences’: commissioners/planners, delivery organisations, infrastructure bodies and community groups.

It is produced by Helpforce Cymru, Social Care Wales, Bevan Commission and Richard Newton Consulting, funded by a Welsh Government coronavirus recovery grant for volunteering.

Visit Helpforce Cymru to access the Framework and for more information.

We are working with researchers from the Universities of Sheffield, Hull and Leeds, who are arranging focus group conversations to determine how the new Framework is received by different stakeholder groups. If you are willing to take part please see more information attached and contact Dr Jenny McNeil j.m.mcneil@sheffield.ac.uk as soon as possible.